Title |
Date |
Document Info |
Hospitals' Negotiating Leverage with Health Plans: How and Why it Changed? |
Feb. 21, 2003 |
Health Services Research |
Changes in Hospital Competitive Strategy: A New Medical Arms Race? |
Feb. 21, 2003 |
Health Services Research |
Something Old, Something New: Recent Developments in Hospital-Physician Relationships |
Feb. 21, 2003 |
Health Services Research |
Health Plan Responses to Managed Care Regulation |
Feb. 12, 2003 |
Managed Care Quarterly |
Payment and the Future of Primary Care |
Feb. 4, 2003 |
Annals of Internal Medicine |
Financial Incentives and Physicians' Perceptions of Conflict of Interest and Ability to Arrange Medically Necessary Services |
January 2003 |
Journal of Ambulatory Care Management |
Changes in Career Satisfaction Among Primary Care and Specialist Physicians, 1997-2001 |
Janurary 22, 2003 |
Journal of the American Medical Association |
The Role of Public Employers in a Changing Health Care Market |
January/February 2003 |
Health Affairs |
The Effects of SCHIP on Children's Health Insurance Coverage |
December 2002 |
Medical Care Research and Review |
The Nongroup Health Insurance Market: Short on Facts, Long on Opinions and Policy Disputes |
Oct. 23, 2002 |
Health Affairs, |
Ensuring Health Security: Is the Individual Market Ready for Prime Time? |
Oct. 23, 2002 |
Health Affairs, |
Tracking Health Care Costs: Growth Accelerates Again in 2001 |
Sept. 25, 2002 |
Health Affairs |
Obstacles to Employers' Pursuit of Health Care Quality |
September/October 2002 |
Health Affairs |
Quality Improvements By Providers: Market Developments Hinder Progress |
September/October 2002 |
Health Affairs |
Back to the Drawing Board: New Directions in Health Plans' Care Management Strategies |
September/October 2002 |
Health Affairs |
Insurance Product Design and Its Effects |
Summer 2002 |
Inquiry |
Small Firms' Demand for Health Insurance: The Decision to Offer Insurance |
Summer 2002 |
Inquiry |
Health Insurance Expansions for Working Families |
July/August 2002 |
Health Affairs |
A Longitudinal Perspective on Health Plan-Provider Risk Contracting |
July/August 2002 |
Health Affairs |
Consumer Beliefs and Health Plan Performance |
June 2002 |
Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law |
Are HMO Enrollees Healthier Than Others? Results from the Community Tracking Study |
May/June 2002 |
Health Affairs |
Assessments of Medical Care by Enrollees in For-Profit and Nonprofit Health Maintenance Organizations |
April 25, 2002 |
New England Journal of Medicine |
The Growth of Managed Care and Changes in Physicians' Income, Autonomy and Satisfaction, 1991-1997 |
March 2002 |
International Journal of Health Care Finance and Economics |
Does Career Dissatisfaction Affect the Ability of Family Physicians to Deliver High-Quality Care? |
March 2002 |
Journal of Family Practice |
Power of Information: Closing the Gap Between Research and Policy |
March/April 2002 |
Health Affairs |
Declining Employer-Sponsored Coverage |
March 2002 |
Medical Care Research and Review |
The Changing Face of Managed Care |
January/February 2002 |
Health Affairs |
Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance: |
January/February 2002 |
Health Affairs |
Managed Care in the Doctor's Office: |
November 2001 |
American Journal of Managed Care |
The Health Status of Workers Who Decline Employer-Sponsored Insurance: |
November 2001 |
Health Affairs |
Managed Care, Professional Autonomy, and Income: |
October 2001 |
Journal of General Internal Medicine |
Racial and Ethnic Differences in Access to Medical Care in Managed Care Plans |
October 2001 |
Health Services Research |
Worker Decisions to Purchase Health Insurance |
September 2001 |
International Journal of Health Care Finance and Economics |
Tracking Health Care Costs |
September 26, 2001 |
Health Affairs |
Personal, Organizational and Market Level Influences on Physicians' Practice Patterns |
August 2001 |
Medical Care |
Minority Physicians' Experiences Obtaining Referrals to Specialists and Hospital Admissions |
August 9, 2001 |
Medscape |
Does Managed Care Enable More Low Income Persons to Identify a Usual Source of Care? |
July 2001 |
Medical Care |
Targeting Communities With High Rates Of Uninsured Children |
July 25, 2001 |
Health Affairs |
What Accounts for Differences in Uninsurance Rates Across Communities? |
Spring 2001 |
Inquiry |
Physicians' Assessments of Their Ability to Provide High Quality Care in a Changing Health Care System |
March 2001 |
Medical Care |